
  • Trao đổi liên kết
  • Liên hệ


Địa điểm hot.

tour ha noi london

Tây Ban Nha

tour ha noi london

Biển Vân Đồn

Biển hải tiến, biển bãi lữ, biển hải hòa, biển cửa lò, mù cang chải, biển thanh hóa, biển hà tĩnh.

tour ha noi london

Biển Trà Cổ

tour ha noi london


Du lịch anh: hà nội - london - united kingdom 7 ngày.

  • Nhà thờ lớn Bath Abbey - một nhà thờ giáo xứ Anh giáo được thành lập vào thế kỷ thứ 7 - một trong những ví dụ lớn nhất về kiến trúc Gothic tại các nước phương Tây,
  • Ronan Baths - khu phòng tắm công cộng kiểu La mã có dòng suối nước nóng thiên nhiên được tạo ra từ lòng trái đất và trở thành khu nghỉ mát spa thời đại Geogia (công nhận di sản thế giới năm 1987)
  • Chiêm ngưỡng vẻ đẹp của cầu tháp (Tower Bridge) - cây cầu dài 244m nằm liền với tháp London, được biết đến như một công trình kiến trúc đồ sộ bắc qua sông Thames
  • Chụp ảnh, ngắm nhìn bên ngoài cung điện Buckingham (Buckingham Palace) - cung điện sang trọng bậc nhất thế giới, chính là nơi ở của Hoàng gia Anh.
  • Thăm và chiêm ngưỡng quang cảnh đáng kinh ngạc từ Vòng đu quay khổng lồ London Eye siêu hiện đại. Đó là bánh xe khổng lồ quay từ từ, nằm sát bờ sông Thames.


  • Vé máy bay khứ hồi hạng phổ thông HÀ NỘI - LONDON - HÀ NỘI theo chương trình.
  • Các phụ phí thuế phi trường; thuế an ninh; phụ phí xăng dầu (căn cứ theo thông bao chính thức giá thuế của hàng không vào ngày xuất vé)
  • Khách sạn tiêu chuẩn 3*: 2 khách/phòng (trường hợp vì lý do giới tính sẽ bố trí phòng 3).
  • Lệ phí visa nhập cảnh Anh và chi phí dịch thuật.
  • Vé vào các điểm tham quan theo chương trình.
  • Xe vận chuyển theo chương trình quy định.
  • Trưởng đoàn theo đoàn suốt tuyến.
  • Quà tặng lưu niệm
  • Các bữa ăn theo chương trình tại nhà hàng
  • Bảo hiểm du lịch toàn cầu, mức đền bù tối đa 50.000 USD / VỤ


  • Hộ chiếu (giá trị trên 6 tháng tính theo ngày về).
  • Chi phí cá nhân (hành lý quá cước, điện thoại, giặt ủi, tham quan ăn uống ngoài chương trình).
  • Chi phí bồi dưỡng tài xế địa phương, HDV địa phương: 56 Euro/người/suốt hành trình
  • Trẻ em dưới 2 tuổi: 30% giá tour người lớn
  • Trẻ em từ 2 - dưới 11 tuổi: 85% giá tour người lớn

Bãi đá cổ Stonehenge Site


Điểm nổi bật.

  • Bay thẳng hàng không quốc gia Vietnam Airlines
  • Trải nghiệm hành trình qua nhiều kì quan Thế Giới
  • Khách sạn tiện nghi tiêu chuẩn, thuận tiện tham quan
  • Thưởng thức hương vị món ăn châu Âu tiêu biểu
  • Hướng dẫn viên kinh nghiệm và nhiệt tình suốt tuyến

Các tour cùng loại

Du Lịch Anh -  Xứ Wales : Hà Nội - Anh - Scotland - Xứ Wales 9 Ngày Bay Vietnam Airlines

Du Lịch Anh - Xứ Wales : Hà Nội - Anh - Scotland - Xứ Wales 9 Ngày Bay Vietnam Airlines

Hà Nội - Anh - Xứ Wales - Ireland 9 Ngày Bay Qatar Airways

Hà Nội - Anh - Xứ Wales - Ireland 9 Ngày Bay Qatar Airways

tour ha noi london


Thông tin cần biết.

  • Hướng dẫn đặt tour
  • Hướng dẫn thanh toán
  • Về chúng tôi
  • Chính sách bảo mật 
  • Tin tức du lịch
  • Vé máy bay
  • Khách sạn
  • Thuê xe 


Cảm ơn bạn! Bạn đã đăng ký thành công bản tin của chúng tôi

Nhận tour khuyến mãi


Trụ sở: 93 Hồng Hà, Ba Đình, Hà Nội - Tel (Tour Nước Ngoài từ HN): 0936 206 998 - Tel (Tour Nội Địa từ HN):   0901 776 939 Hồ Chí Minh: 9 Phan Kế Bính, Quận 1, HCM - Tel (Tour Nội Địa từ HCM):    0904 555 908 - Tel (Tour nước ngoài từ HCM): 0936 007 966 Đà Nẵng:  76 - 78 Bạch Đằng, Hải Châu - Tel:   0938 241 828 Mạng lưới văn phòng trong và ngoài nước

Google Play

Route desktop cover image

Vé máy bay từ Hà Nội (HAN) đi Luân Đôn (LHR)

Vé máy bay đi luân đôn, 12 giờ, 25 phút, traveloka giúp bạn tìm ưu đãi và vé máy bay giá rẻ đi luân đôn (lhr), hãng hàng không.

tour ha noi london

Tìm thời điểm đặt vé máy bay rẻ nhất đi Luân Đôn (LHR)

tour ha noi london

Tiết Kiệm Hơn Với Ưu Đãi Vé Máy Bay Traveloka!

tour ha noi london

Các khách sạn hàng đầu ở Luân Đôn

ibis Styles London Heathrow Airport

Lý do nên đặt chỗ với Traveloka?

tour ha noi london

Đáp ứng mọi nhu cầu của bạn

tour ha noi london

Tùy chọn đặt chỗ linh hoạt

tour ha noi london

Thanh toán an toàn và thuận tiện

Các câu hỏi thường gặp.

Đặt vé máy bay tại Traveloka rất dễ dàng. Bạn chỉ cần mở website hoặc ứng dụng Traveloka và chọn "Vé máy bay". Chọn vé máy bay theo nhu cầu du lịch của bạn, bắt đầu từ ngày khởi hành, chặng bay và hãng hàng không. Tìm hiểu chi tiết về cách đặt vé máy bay tại Traveloka.

Đừng bỏ lỡ cơ hội đến thăm xứ sở sương mù cùng chiếc vé máy bay Hà Nội London

Nếu bạn cảm thấy đã quá quen thuộc với những guồng quay bận rộn ở Hà Nội. Bạn muốn đến một không gian mới, hít thở những luồng không khí mới mẻ cho chính mình. Tại sao không đặt ngay cho mình một vé máy bay Hà Nội London đến khám phá xứ sở sương mù đầy thơ mộng?

promotion banner

Bay quốc tế, giá quốc nội. Vé máy bay giảm tới 40% . Mua ngay !

Đến với xứ sở London, bạn không chỉ được trải nghiệm mua sắm tại khu trung tâm thương mại hiện đại bậc nhất thế giới. Bạn còn có thể yên bình thả hồn trên những khu vườn đậm chất thơ. Hay đó có thể là những tòa lâu đài cổ điển, trầm mặc.

Chính bởi những nét quyến rũ đó mà vé máy bay đi London luôn được các tín đồ trên thế giới săn đón. Hãy sở hữu ngay vé máy bay giá tốt nhất!

thanh pho london

London - thành phố tráng lệ, hiện đại nhưng vẫn có nét cổ kính @Unplash

1. Các chặng bay phổ biến từ Hà Nội đến London

Xứ sở sương mù London không chỉ là điểm đến du lịch yêu thích của mọi tín đồ du lịch. Không dừng lại ở đó, London còn là địa điểm để công tác của rất nhiều người.  

Nhờ vậy, hiện có rất nhiều hãng hàng không khai thác chuyến bay từ Hà Nội đến London. Bạn có thể sử dụng dịch vụ của Singapore Airlines, Qatar Airways, All Nippon Airways, Vietnam Airlines,..

Hiện tại, vẫn chưa có chuyến bay thẳng từ Hà Nội đến London. Tùy vào việc bạn đặt vé máy bay Hà Nội London của hãng máy bay nào thì thời gian bay, trạm dừng sẽ có phần khác nhau.

Đa phần, thời gian bay từ Hà Nội đến London khoảng 25 giờ bay. Ví dụ, bạn khởi hành từ Hà Nội là 1h sáng thì 2h sáng hôm sau, bạn sẽ có mặt tại London.

2. Cách di chuyển từ trung tâm Hà Nội đến sân bay Nội Bài 

Từ trung tâm thành phố Hà Nội, bạn sẽ có vô cùng nhiều sự lựa chọn để di chuyển đến sân bay Nội Bài. Nếu bạn di chuyển một mình, có ít hành lý, bạn có thể lựa chọn di chuyển bằng xe buýt hoặc xem ôm. Grab.

Nếu di chuyển bằng xe buýt, bạn có thể chọn chuyến 07, 86, 109, 68 để đến sân bay. Bạn muốn di chuyển bằng xe ôm. Grab, chỉ với một vài điểm chạm, bạn đã sở hữu được tài xế riêng cho mình. Chi phí để di chuyển dao động từ 7.000 VNĐ - 150.000 VNĐ

Nếu bạn đi theo nhóm hoặc cùng gia đình, bạn rất nên đặt dịch vụ đưa đón sân bay có sẵn trên Traveloka với nhiều ưu đãi nhé. Bạn sẽ cảm thấy an tâm hơn trong việc di chuyển. Bạn chỉ việc lên xe, phần hành lý, lộ trình di chuyển đã có bác tài xử lý giúp bạn. Bạn có thể đặt dịch vụ xe tại đây!

3. Cách di chuyển từ sân bay London về trung tâm thành phố

Với khoảng cách 23km, bạn sẽ cần mất khoảng 50 phút để về trung tâm thành phố. Bạn có thể lựa chọn di chuyển bằng xe buýt, tàu điện ngầm hoặc tàu hỏa.

Tại sân bay London, bạn sẽ thấy một trạm xe bus mở cửa 24/24h. Trạm xe buýt cách cửa nhà ga số 2 và số 3 khoảng vài phút đi bộ.  Khi di chuyển đến bến xe buýt, bạn sẽ thấy rất nhiều hãng xe giúp bạn về đến trung tâm thành phố. 

Thêm vào đó, bạn có thể trải nghiệm một tour du lịch thành phố với xe buýt. Bạn tham khảo London Vintage Bus trên Traveloka để “tranh thủ” cho mình thêm một trải nghiệm đặc biệt nhé. 

xe buyt hai tang tai london

Xe buýt hai tầng - biểu tượng của thành phố London @iStock 

Tàu điện ngầm 

Sau khi xuống sân bay, bạn có thể tìm thấy ga tàu điện ngầm ở nhà ga số 2,3,4 và số 5. Tần suất của chuyến tàu điện ngầm liên tục, bạn không cần phải chờ đợi quá lâu. Khi di chuyển bằng tàu điện ngầm, bạn cũng tiết kiệm được rất nhiều thời gian di chuyển 

Để di chuyển nhanh nhất từ sân bay về trung tâm thành phố London, bạn hãy chọn di chuyển bằng tàu tốc hành. Bạn chỉ mất 15 phút để di chuyển là đã có mặt ở trung tâm thành phố. 

4. Những điều cần biết khi đến London

Thời điểm thích hợp để đi du lịch London

London nằm trong vùng khí hậu đại dương ôn đới. Vậy nên, thành phố sở hữu bốn mùa Xuân - Hạ - Thu - Đông.  Khoảng thời gian đẹp nhất để bạn đặt vé máy bay Hà Nội London là vào mùa hè và mùa xuân Nhiệt độ trung bình trong khoảng thời gian này là khoảng 21 độ, khô ráo, mát mẻ.

Nếu bạn muốn tiết kiệm chi phí hơn, hãy đến London vào mùa xuân. Đây không phải quãng thời gian cao điểm du lịch. Điều này giúp bạn tiết kiệm được chi phí nhà nghỉ, khách sạn và một số những khoản khác.

Mua ngay vé máy bay Hà Nội - London!

Đến London, nên đi đâu ?

Hãy cùng Traveloka lưu lại ngay 7 điểm đến hấp dẫn không thể bỏ qua khi đến London. Lưu lại ngay nhé bạn:

  • Tháp đồng hồ Big Ben 
  • Bảo tàng Anh Quốc
  • Cung điện Buckingham
  • Vòng quay khổng lồ London Eye
  • Thế giới phù thủy Harry Potter
  • Đài thiên văn Hoàng Gia Greenwich
  • Bảo tàng tượng sáp Madame Tussaud’s

thap dong ho big ben

Tháp đồng hồ Big Ben - điểm đến không thể bỏ qua ở London @Unplash

Nên ăn gì khi đến London?

London không chỉ thu hút khách du lịch bởi cảnh đẹp, những kiến trúc cổ kính. London còn làm bao du khách xao xuyến bởi những món ăn vô cùng hấp dẫn.

mon ngon tai london

Đừng quên thưởng thức món ăn ngon khi đến London @Internet

Hãy thưởng thức những món ăn dưới đây khi đến London nhé bạn.

  • Bánh mì tròn kẹp bò muối
  • Bánh mì Bara Brith
  • Fish and Chips
  • Bánh mì kẹp Butchies
  • Puotine Queens

5. Bí quyết sở hữu vé máy bay Hà Nội - London giá tốt nhất

Hãy luôn nhớ đến siêu ứng dụng du lịch và tiện ích sống Traveloka khi bạn muốn sở hữu dịch vụ du lịch giá rẻ nhưng chưa có nhiều thời gian. Chỉ với một vài cú chạm, bạn đã có thể sở hữu được vé máy bay Hà Nội - London giá tốt nhất. 

Đặc biệt, mỗi ngày, Traveloka đều có hàng ngàn chương trình ưu đãi, voucher khuyến mãi giúp bạn tiết kiệm chi phí. Khi có thời gian rảnh, hãy truy cập ngay vào ưu đãi vé máy bay để sở hữu mã giảm giá. Đặt trước phòng khách sạn cũng như một số dịch vụ hỗ trợ để khi đến London không còn lo lắng nữa!

Đặt vé máy bay tại Traveloka giúp bạn tiết kiệm được vô vàn chi phí, dịch vụ thanh toán tiện lợi, nhanh chóng và dễ dàng. Tham khảo vé máy bay Hà Nội London ngay hôm nay thôi!


12 giờ 25 phút

Noibai international airport (han), heathrow (lhr) ,, london city airport (lcy) ,, gatwick (lgw), đối tác hàng không.

ve may bay vietjet air

Đối tác thanh toán

tour ha noi london

Các lựa chọn du lịch độc đáo của bạn

Chặng bay từ hà nội, chặng bay từ luân đôn, các điểm đến trong nước hàng đầu, các điểm đến quốc tế hàng đầu.

Vé Máy Bay Đi Buôn Ma Thuột

Vé Máy Bay Đi Cà Mau

Vé Máy Bay Đi Nha Trang

Vé Máy Bay Đi Đà Nẵng

Vé Máy Bay Đi Điện Biên

Vé Máy Bay Đi Đà Lạt

Vé Máy Bay Đi Hà Nội

Vé Máy Bay Đi Hải Phòng

Vé Máy Bay Đi Huế

Vé Máy Bay Đi Phú Quốc

Vé Máy Bay Đi Pleiku

Vé Máy Bay Đi Sài Gòn

Vé Máy Bay Đi Phú Yên

Vé Máy Bay Đi Thanh Hóa

Vé Máy Bay Đi Quy Nhơn

Vé Máy Bay Đi Cần Thơ

Vé Máy Bay Đi Chu Lai

Vé Máy Bay Đi Côn Đảo

Vé Máy Bay Đi Đồng Hới

Vé Máy Bay Đi Vân Đồn

Vé Máy Bay Đi Singapore

Vé Máy Bay Đi Đài Loan

Vé Máy Bay Đi Bangkok

Vé Máy Bay Đi Bali

Vé Máy Bay Đi Dubai

Vé Máy Bay Đi Jeju

Vé Máy Bay Đi Paris

Vé Máy Bay Đi Phuket

Vé Máy Bay Đi Melbourne

Vé Máy Bay Đi Chiang Mai

Vé Máy Bay Đi New York

Vé Máy Bay Đi Los Angeles

Vé Máy Bay Đi Phnom Penh

Vé Máy Bay Đi San Francisco

Vé Máy Bay Đi Sydney

Vé Máy Bay Đi Toronto

Vé Máy Bay Đi Quảng Châu

Vé Máy Bay Đi Jakarta

Vé Máy Bay Đi Frankfurt

Vé Máy Bay Đi Kuala Lumpur

tour ha noi london

Có chuyến đi mơ ước của bạn trong tầm tay của bạn. Tải xuống ứng dụng.

tour ha noi london

Về Traveloka

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Theo dõi chúng tôi trên

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  • Đăng ký doanh nghiệp hoạt động du lịch của bạn
  • Khu vực báo chí
  • Vulnerability Disclosure Program

Tải ứng dụng Traveloka

Ha Noi | Ha Long Bay 2 Days Tour

Ha Noi | Ha Long Bay 2 Days Tour





We will pick up from your hotel lobby in Hanoi - Enjoy the peaceful scenery as we travel through the countryside, farmlands and Red River delta - Get your camera ready to take photos. Aboard the cruise. Refresh with our welcome drink. Check into your cabin - Join us for a typical local lunch in the dining room or at the outdoor dining area. Mingling yourself in the stunning views of the Bay and its dramatic limestone islets as we sail through the calm emerald waters heading to Maze Cave Afternoon - Arrive at Amazing cave (hang Sửng Sốt), explore the cave and find out how the cave was named Amazing. - Reach to the peak point of the cave for a breath taking panoramic view of the bay - Back to the boat, our cruise will take you to a stunning tranquilizing isolated lagoon for swimming or just simply relaxing on the boat with our spa service and mingle in the picturesque seascape.

Heading back toward the sleeping area early evening - Summit on the sundeck watching the sunset, enjoy our pre-dinner local wine appetizer. It’s ideal time to make acquaintance with new friends, sharing your traveling experience or simply watching the sunset - An authentic Vietnamese menu is served - After dinner, reward yourself with a large selection of cocktails at our bar, or take for you one of our onboard activities: book reading, games, movies, and squid fishing… Included meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner


Join us for a Tai Chi session on the sundeck. Tai chi helps focus the mind and condition the body. Breakfast. Our guide will brief your information and the highlights about this fascinating floating village and its local community. Take your option either exploring the village yourself on kayak or comfortably capture the daily life of the fishermen on bamboo boat rowed by the locals. Check out the cabins, at your leisure while our cruise taking you pass by other beautiful highlights in the bay. You will join with our short class of Cooking demonstration, how to make spring rolls before an early lunch is served. Return to Ha Noi, drop you off at your hotel around 18:00


v English speaking guide

v Shuttle bus with A/C (round trip)

v Mineral water on bus

v Entrance fee & sightseeing fees

v Welcome drinks

v Full furnished cabin with A/C & hot shower

v All meals on the boat

v Exciting Games & fishing equipment

v Cooking class & Tai Chi demonstration

v 2 Ways Flight Tickets

v Private Transfers to airport go and back


v Happy tip

v Personal expenses

tour ha noi london

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Love it or loathe it, there’s no denying it — Hanoi is intense. Think street vendors calling, horns honking, and webs of traffic like you’ve never experienced. But dig beneath the crowds and chaos and you’ll find an enchanting city where a rich history melds with a complicated modernity. From Parisian architecture to busy markets to ancient temples to Communist landmarks, Hanoi has it all wrapped up in a package of sensory overload. Explore the city on a Hanoi tour and get the local scoop on this much-loved destination.

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Ha Noi City Tour – Private Tour

  • 100% private
  • Instantly confirmed
  • Free cancellation
  • Satisfaction guarantee
  • Explore Vietnam
  • Things To Do In Ha Noi
  • Ha Noi Tours

Condition & Faq

You may be interested in:.

  • – Ha Noi City Delux Small Group Tour: 35 USD/pax
  • – Hanoi City Tour By Private Car: 59 USD/pax

ho chi minh


Hanoi City Tour is a perfect choice for tourists who do not have time to explore Hanoi Capital by themselves. Explore the capital of Vietnam since the 11th century on a comprehensive full-day sightseeing tour.  Hanoi has so many ancient and modern works, with unique sidewalk cultural experiences, its unparalleled cuisines and especially its warm-hearted people. Our team of young and passionate are ready to make an impression on your trip....

Is this tour best for me?

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Instant confirmation with ticket

What itinerary of Ha Noi City Tour?. Ha Noi , where ancient and proudly preserved Vietnamese culture is felt most keenly by visitors, is the capital and the center of culture, economy and politics of Vietnam. With over 1000 years old, the wealth of history here is mind boggling: ancient citadels, temples, 36 bustling streets, tree-lined boulevards and peaceful lakes,… Still retaining a charming air from its colonial days, the quietness and subtle beauty makes Hanoi a very attractive destination for tourists all over the world. Let’s watch the beauty of Hanoi with our tour.


  • 8.00 am: Our car and tour guide will pick you up at your hotel in Ha Noi and visit Ho Chi Minh Museum to explore the architectural and historical aspects of the final resting place of Ho Chi Minh.
  • Then, visit Uncle Ho’s Stilt House where he spent his life as Vietnam’s president until his death in 1969. It was built by Emperor Ly Thai Tong between the years of 1028 and 1054.
  • The next place is the  One Pillar Pagoda  – a group of structures consisting of a pagoda and a tower built in the middle of a square lake.
  • After that, you’ll have a chance to visit Temple of Literature (Van Mieu) – Vietnam’s first university and the place dedicating to Confucius, scholars and sages.
  • At 12.30 pm: Enjoy local food for lunch.
  • Afterwards, you will visit the Ethnology Museum . It offers an insight into the depth of Vietnamese cultural diversity with an amazing collection of 15,000 artifacts gathered from throughout Vietnam.
  • The last place to visit in this city tour is Hoan Kiem Lake – the heart and soul of Hanoi. You will enjoy the peaceful waters and the beauty of Ngoc Son temple

If you want to see water puppet show , please inform us so we can buy tickets for you. (1 show is about 50 minutes).

  • Before finishing the tour, you can discover the famous 36 old streets in Hanoi Old Quarter .
  • 5.00 pm: Arrive back to your hotel. Say goodbye!

Tags: Hanoi city tour, Hanoi tour full day, Hanoi day trip, Hanoi City private tour

What's included?

  • Transportations
  • Bottle of mineral water
  • English speaking guide

What's excluded?

  • Personal expenses.
  • Water Pupet Show ticket 5$/pax

( This price is for private tour. Tours are personalized, private, and designed to cater perfectly to the tastes and interests of my client: You. For that reason, you’ll find that they also vary significantly in price)

  • Kid from 0 – 2 year old : free of charge
  • Kid from 3 – 10 year old : pay 75%
  • Kid from 11 year old and older as Adult

You can pay by cash after trip or pay online in advance by (Paypal/Credit, Debit Card). Some tours you must deposit some other dont need. And you will finish the balance of the booking for Tour Guide/ Driver when finish the trip. Upon receipt of the deposit, we will send you the confirmation of the reservation as well as the complete itinerary.

Cancellation policy

If the Customer cancels some or all portions of the booking regardless of the reasons, the Customer agrees to pay cancellation fees as follows:

  • - 2 days before departure day: No cancellation charge
  • - 1 day before departure day : 50% of the tour price
  • - Cancel after 12 hours, we will charge 100%

How will I know my booking has been confirmed?

When you receive an email starting: Your booking has been confirmed. To make sure that your booking has been confirmed, we will send you an ticket later. Please check itinerary to avoid any inconvenience.

How can I pay?

  • - Cash at tour guide when finish the trip
  • - Paypal (pay extra 5% for transaction fee)
  • - Credit card at our office (pay extra 3% for banking fee)

Who is offer this tour?

We and our partner are travel companies/ tour guides who work with us for selling their tours.

8 Leave a Reply


I booked the trip from a website by putting all my trust in the company. It was only a general search and to my surprise, this is my best decision ever. Being a solo female I was very upset at first. I loved the way these people help the tourists. The teams stayed in touch with me and guided me about everything (even the excursions which were not a part of my trip plan). My entire trip was very well planned according to the things I loved. Thank you so much for making the trip so memorable for me

peter b

Explore Vietnam is the best place to book your trip if you want a hassle-free tour with lots of interesting things to do. There is no need to worry about transportation, food, and activities. The prices are very reasonable with excellent service. The schedule was very good as we explored every place conveniently. We got a chance to visit many places in one tour because of the planning of the company. The tour guide had broad knowledge and good English language skills. It was an amazing experience with a lot of fun, adventure, and very interesting details about every place

Aashish Vijay

I have visited Vietnam quite a few times but this time it was different and more fun. I booked the trip to have a hassle-free experience without the need to book transport and other arrangements but I got a lot more than that. This amazing team made my trip a package of adventure and entertainment. They helped me witness a completely different side of Hanoi. The information about places, war history, and legends associated with the places are some extraordinary things to know. The best part of my trip was the interaction with local life which is not easy to …  Read more »

Walther en Ines V

Being a journalist, I wanted to explore the historical and religious side of Vietnam. The tour guide had vast knowledge of every place. The entire trip was very comfortable. The tour vehicle picked me up from the hotel and took me to the city center first. After that, we visited One Pillar Pagoda, the Ethnological Museum, the Temple of literature, HoanKiem Lake, and many other places. Short stops in rural areas and villages were very interesting. Loved interacting with the locals and learning about their daily chores. There are many small workshops where people make pottery, handicrafts, and other items …  Read more »


I have one word for the services and travel plan “Amazing”. The day out was filled with activities and adventure. The tour guide was excellent with unlimited knowledge about the places and their history. We had an enjoyable and lovely day while exploring the countryside. It was a great combination of physical activity and learning. Food breaks are filled with delicious Vietnamese cuisine. Many locals have small food stalls where they serve food prepared with fresh ingredients and sea foods. The tour guide also shared information about the places which were not included in the trip and we visited them …  Read more »


This is the best website to get the most well-planned tour of the city and attractions. There are many incredible places to explore with cultural importance and rich history. The tour company picked us up from the accommodation. My wife and I had a private tour filled with adventures. We enjoyed cycling through the country side. It was the most memorable and romantic experience. I recommend the tour company because the team is very honest. They recommend the best places according to the preferences of the visitors. We tried delicious local Vietnamese foods and desserts made with fresh ingredients from …  Read more »


The tour guide knew a lot about every place we visited. He also shared very interesting stories and legends which were associated with the places. A comfortable pair of shoes is a must. There are many places to explore by walking especially the HoanKiem Lake and Ngoc Son Temple. These spectacular places made our day excellent and memorable. Vietnam was on my travel wish list for so long and after visiting I am totally in love with the country. It is an excellent combination of modern life and natural wonders. Historical places in Hanoi are very well preserved and most …  Read more »

mix m

These wonderful people made our Hanoi trip the most memorable trip of our life. It was an incredible experience filled with a lot of fun and adventure. Everything was very well planned. They gave us an overview of the entire trip and we loved everything in it. Many stops included information on historical background. Vietnamese food is available everywhere so enjoyed many local snacks and cuisines. The tour guide gave me information about the cooking classes in a couple of places. I joined a one-day cooking class after the trip. I highly recommend this day trip to Hanoi because it …  Read more »

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Book Now And Pay Later!

Hello Vietnam Travel

Tour ha noi – ha long – sapa – da nang – hoi an – hue – cu chi tunnel – hcmc, services included.



07:45 – 08:30   Tour guide and shuttle bus of  Halong Dragon Cruise  pick you up then take 3.5 hour scenic drive to  Halong city . Have a break 20 minutes en-route to free your legs.

12:15  Embark Bai Chay Harbor, get transferred to  Dragon Cruise  by a tender and enjoy a welcome drink. 13:00   Receive a cruise briefing. Savor delicious lunch while cruising among wonderful limestone island.


14:30  Stop at  Ti Top Island  one hour for swimming, sun-bathing or getting a panoramic view on island peak. 15:30  Do kayaking among hidden parts and around  Bo Nau Cave  to discover mysterious beauty of  Halong .

16:30  Experiencing unforgettable memory passing through “tunnel cave” on a bamboo boat to a secluded lake. 17:30  Drop anchor in calm water area and enjoy some local wine, fruits on the sundeck at sunset. 19:00  Have a delectable dinner in cozy restaurant of  Dragon Cruise  in the middle of  Halong . 20:00  Entertain evening by karaoke singing or try your luck doing  squid-fishing . Overnight on  Halong Dragon Cruise .


07:00   Start your new day with complimentary tea and coffee served, photograph magnificent pictures. 07:30  Have breakfast on board, get your cameras ready then go off boat.

08:00   Visit  Sung Sot “amazing” cave , the most beautiful with millions of surprising stalactites and stalagmites. 09:30  Check out your cabin. Relax on sundeck for sun-bathing, photo hunting while sailing back to the harbor. 11:30   Lunch is served aboard  Dragon Cruise.


13:30  Say goodbye to  Ha Long Bay  then return to  Hanoi . Have a rest en-route again to free your legs. 17:30  Get dropped off at your hotel.


6:30am:   Meet your guide and driver at your hotel or office departure to Lao Cai. Travelling the new Highway ‘Noi Bai’, Lao Cai , length 245km, will take around 5 hours. You will have the opportunity to enjoy beautiful scenery of the region, while the road.


12:00:  Arrival in Sapa: check-in hotel, enjoy lunch in a local restaurant in Sapa, then after proceed with the itinerary.

13:00: The 16 Seater van will take visitors to the start of their journey – a 4 hour trek to visit Lao Cai – Tavan and Giang ta chai village, exploring the local ethnic minorities life, admire the spectacular natural scenery with the terraced rice fields. Visit Sapa’s ancient rock formations with engraved images big and small, the unique patterns of the ancients, as well as admire the picturesque bridge to the clouds clear over the Muong Hoa stream. Journey will stop at Giang Ta Chai village.

Return back Sapa to your hotel for the night.


8:00am Driver and guide take you back Sapa to rejoin group together visit Cat Cat village.


9:00am Exploring Cat Cat – Shin chai village of H’mong – a colonial French discovered area and a renowned resort to officials from the early twentieth century. Arriving to Cat Cat village, visitors will be visiting the Hydropower station, the waterfall of Cat Cat village, as well as learning about the culture, customs and unique people here with traditional crafts such as weaving, carved silver, hand forged agricultural tools.

12:00: Pick up from Cat Cat village and back to Sapa town.  Enjoy a meal at a local restaurant. Free time to visit or shopping souvenir

16:00: Driver take you back to Hanoi.


Morning: Have breakfast, pick up from your hotel to Noi Bai airport , take flight from Ha Noi to Da Nang . Pick-up at Danang airport.

Afternoon: H ave lunch – enjoy Danang local food and check-in hotel. Cross Bridges to visit Son Tra Peninsula (Money Mountain). Go around Son Tra peninsula to see the whole city view, visit Linh Ung Pagoda with the highest lady Budda in Viet Nam(67meters), swim at My Khe beach – one of the most beautiful beaches over the world


Evening: H ave dinner, take a boat  on Han River ( not including ) to enjoy the beauty of  Danang  by night, unique architecture of bridges, see Dragon Bridge breathes fire and water every Saturday and Sunday( 9pm). Overnight in Da Nang


Morning: Breakfast. Visit Non Nuoc stone carving village .

Afternoon: Lunch at restaurant. Continue to visit Ba Na Hills  -wellknown as the second Da Lat or Sa Pa in the Central of Viet Nam with the longest telpher (6000 m) in the world.


Evening: move to the ancient town of Hoian . Take a walking tour around the old sections (charming and wonderfully preserved, combining Chinese, Japanese and European influences). Free to explore the “Hoi An ancient night”. Dinner at local restaurant. Back to Da Nang and overnight in Da Nang city.


Morning: Breakfast and check-out. Leaving Da Nang for the old capital of Hue , through Hai Van tunnel.


Afternoon: Lunch at restaurant. After that, explore the Imperial Citadel – The grand palace of the last dynasty of Nguyen and Goddess-heavenly pagoda.

Evening: Dinner at restaurant and take a dragon boat trip to enjoying Hue folksong on Perfume river. Accommodation in Hue.


Morning: Breakfast followed by a visit to Khai Dinh tombs and Tu Hieu pagoda.


Afternoon: Lunch at local restaurant. Leisure time until transfer to Hue Airport (13:00 ) or Da Nang Airport (16:00-22:00) for departure flight. Take flight from Hue/ Da Nang to Ho Chi Minh city, pick up form the airport your hotel, overnight in HCMC.


8:30: We depart from Ho Chi Minh City/Saigon to  Cu Chi Tunnels Half Day Tour.  We stop at a lacquer art factory for the disabled on the way.

We arrive in  Cu Chi Tunnels . Then we will watch a propaganda film a wartime propaganda film showing how local guerilla fighters were “American Killing Heroes” (a short introductory video showing how the tunnels were constructed).


We then spend the next hour exploring the maze of tunnels in Cu Chi. Also on display are various mantraps and the remains of an American tank as well as numerous bomb craters made by 500 pound bombs dropped by B52 bombers.

Also, you can try to real gun shooting for extra.

At 15.00, we arrive in Ho Chi Minh City and finish  Cu Chi Tunnels Half Day Tour.


Pick up at your hotel, our dirver will drive you to Tan Son Nhat airport. Finish the tour.

Note: For the flight fare, children up to 2 years old will be charge as an adult

  • New model transportation vehicles
  • Experienced tour guide
  • Local specialty meals according to the itinerary (Note: per day)
  • Entrance tickets to tourist attractions
  • Standard 3-4-5 star hotels as chosen
  • Personal expenses:Laundry, Phone bills…
  • Shopping expenses VAT
  • Cancel tour
  • Change tour

Hello Vietnam Travel makes every effort to serve our customers better. If a reservation has to be cancelled, customers will be charged a fee depending on how far from the departure date the cancellation takes place.

For usual days:

  • 30 or more days prior to departure – 10% of total purchase amount
  • 10-29 days prior to departure – 30% of total purchase amount
  • 6-9 days prior to departure – 50% of total purchase amount
  • Within 5 days prior to departure – 100% of total purchase amount
  • Day of departure or no-show – 100% of total purchase amount

For public days and New Year holiday: 100% of total purchase amount

  • Unused features are non-refundable.
  • The cancellation fees listed here will apply to all reservations, unless the tour booked has exceptions listed under the “Special Notes” section on the itinerary page.
  • Your refund request will be answered and processed promptly. If you do not receive the reply within one business day, please call the office immediately. We will not be responsible if email, mail, or faxes fail to reach us.

NOTE: We cannot grant refunds more than 14 days after completion of tour. Credit card payments incure a non refundable 3% surcharge.

Conditions of displaced the departure date (only moved 1 times)

  • Rescheduled before 10 days compared to the day of departure: charge moved the 0% money tour (excluding holidays and Sundays).
  •  Ago 6 days compared to departure: 20% of the displaced charge money tour (excluding holidays and Sundays).
  •  Ago 4 compared to the day of departure: charge moved 40% of money tour (excluding holidays and Sundays).
  • ​ After time on the 100% of the displaced charge: tour (excluding holidays and Sundays).
  • Program sequence can be changed but the number of the program remains unchanged.
  • You are at point 15 minutes before. Visitors to the delay when the vehicle was departing or cancel the tour didn’t notice please bear as ‘ cancel the ticket on the day of departure ‘
  • Children must go with their parents or have committed to go on tour together, when relatives come to carry a birth certificate or passport.
  • Please take care of your own property through the tour.
  • When registering, please provide your personal information

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tour ha noi london

  • Want to become a guide?

Share my guruwalk

Hanoi: all-in-one walking tour through a train street with small group.

tour ha noi london

My name is Cris and We are local tour guides in Hanoi. We really love this city, and I would like to show you why! We cover everything from the city’s history from the past to its present, fun facts, culture, nightlife, and its hidden area. We are storytellers about Hanoi life, culture, history, if you are looking for a friend in Hanoi, please contact me, you and I am not perfect, we meet as well, if you already a predestined relationship, we will help each other improve and become better every day 1%. Let's start with the question why do you want to book this tour? Every place we build a tour program like this, we believe that this tour makes a difference in terms of Culture, History, People,....we always try to improve the tour and bring the best experience for tourists in Hanoi. So, what are you waiting for, do not join us to create a more beautiful Hanoi Join us and let’s discover Hanoi together!

  • No minimum number of attendees No minimum number of attendees is required for the tour
  • Free booking and cancellation Free payment tour, no set price, booking and cancellation are free
  • Accepts electronic payment This tour allows payment by electronic means or credit card

Tour description

Let's start with the question why do you want to book this tour? Step back in t ime and explore the evolution of Hanoi on this all-in-one walking tour. From its origins as Thang Long , the thousand-year-old city , to its current status as a bustling metropolis, you’ll traverse the city’s rich history and vibrant present. Discover architectural gems , cultural landmarks , and local hotspots that tell the story of Hanoi’s transformation . This immersive journey offers a unique perspective on the heart and soul of Vietnam’s capital .   Join us for an unforgettable exploration of Hanoi’s past, present, and future!  Finally, you are here! If you would like to discover the city like a local, join me on one of my tours!

I would be happy to guide you through this amazing city and show you everything that Hanoi has to offer!

On the tour, we cover the most important sights and attractions such as:

  • Ngoc Son Temple( Entrance fee is 30,000 VND for adults, 15,000 VND for students) 
  • Egg Coffee OR Salted Coffee
  • Long Bien Bridge
  • Ma May Ancient House
  • Thanh Ha Local Market
  • Train Street ​
  • and much more…

The tour is a great way to learn about the Hanoian culture and discover the city’s colorful history We will take you from the past of Vietnam to the present of Vietnam , from must-visit tourist attractions associated with ancient Vietnamese culture such as Ngoc Son Temple , ancient houses, .... Modern architecture with the look of the French people such as the oldest bridge in Hanoi, Long Bien bridge to modern emerging places such as the train street , ... these places combine together and create Hanoi capital is as interesting and unique as it is today.

I cover the most important sights through stories and fun facts , but also go off the beaten track to discover some hidden gems!

I will talk about the do’s and don't s in Hanoi, while I will also recommend where and what to eat and drink.  So, what are you waiting for, do not join us to create a more beautiful Hanoi Free tours do not have a set price , instead, each person gives the guru at the end of the tour the amount that he or she considers appropriate (these usually range from €10 to $50 depending on satisfaction with the tour).

What will we visit on this tour?

I will hold a red flag of Vietnam, we will meet outside Ly Thai To monument hall.

Entrance fee is 30,000 VND for adults, 15,000 VND for students

  • 2 Entrance not included Đinh Café
  • 3 Outside visit Long Bien Bridge Show 4 more stops
  • 4 Outside visit Heritage House
  • 5 Outside visit Railway Cafe
  • 6 Free admission Đồng Xuân Market
  • 7 Free admission Lý Thái Tổ Monument

tour ha noi london

How much does this tour cost?

Free tours do not have a set price , instead, each person gives the guru at the end of the tour the amount that he or she considers appropriate (these usually range from €10 to $50 depending on satisfaction with the tour).

Tour opinions

tour ha noi london

Tour opinions (316)

We had a lovely experience with Sang! She was very informing about the Vietnamese culture, but we also had fun chatting about other stuff! Would recommend:)

Thanks for showing us around the old quartier =)

We covered a decent amount until it started to rain heavily!

Wonderful tour and information about Vietnamese culture

Who is this tour for?

What should you know, others tours from this guru, others cities to visit after hanoi.

Find similar guruwalks in Hanoi

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(+84) 368 627 318

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Travel with Heyotour

  • Ho Chi Minh

Located in the northern region of the country on the banks of the magnificent Red River, Hanoi offers travelers a wide array of activities to experience. Wander the Old Quarter, photograph intricately designed pagodas, browse thought-provoking museums, and peruse markets for authentic handicrafts. Founded more than 1,000 years ago, the city remains steeped in tradition. The old quarter district hums with street vendor action; the cafes and restaurants are vibrant, contemporary scenes. To experience these wonderful things, let Heyotour become a companion along your journey of discovery.

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Other top destinations.

Ha Noi – Sapa – Ha Long (5D4N)

image tour

  • Term & conditions

Day 1: Arrival – Ha Noi – Lao Cai – Train Arrival in Ha Noi. Car and guide pick up and transfer for a city tour to visit the Literature Temple, Hoan Kiem Lake, Ngoc Son Temple and take 1-hour pedicab ride to the Old French Quarters. Then, transfer to the railway station for the night train to Lao Cai. Overnight on train.

Day 2: Lao Cai – Sapa Arrive in Lao Cai. Meet and overland transfer to visit Bac Ha Town and the ethnic minorities surroundings. Afternoon overland back to Sapa Town. Overnight in Sapa. 

Day 3: Sapa – Lao Cai – Train (B) Breakfast at the hotel. Morning tour to visit Thac Bac waterfalls and Sapa Market. Afternoon, transfer to the railway station for the night train back to Ha Noi. Overnight on train.

Day 4: Ha Noi – Ha Long (L, D) Arrive in Ha Noi early in the morning. Meet and overland to Ha Long via Dong Trieu Pottery en route. Arrive in Ha Long. Embark on a cruise to visit Ha Long Bay with thousand of grottoes. Dinner and overnight on junk.

Day 5: Ha Long – Ha Noi - Departure (B) Breakfast on junk. Continue to visit Ha Long until disembarking the cruise. Transfer straight to Noi Bai airport in Ha Noi for departure flight. End of service.

NOTE: B – Breakfast / L – Lunch

PRICE: Starting at VND 13,500,000 / person (for a group of minimum 6 people).

Validity: From January 1 st , 2024 to December 31 st , 2024

CHILDREN POLICY Children from 0 – 5 years old: Free of charge (One child traveling with two adults will be free of charge; the 2nd child will pay 50% of adult price)

Children from 6 – 10 years old: Sharing bed with two adults:                                                  50% of adult price Sharing room with two adults, using extra bed:                     80% of adult price Twin-sharing room with one adult:                                         100% of adult price

Children from 11 years old:                                                    100% of adult price 

TOUR INCLUSIVE & EXCLUSIVE Inclusive: * Accommodation basing on twin-sharing with daily breakfast at 3* hotels. * Private air-conditioned transfer. * Round trip soft sleeper on train Ha Noi – Lao Cai – Ha Noi as specified * 01 lunch and 01 dinner (without drinks) as specified in the itinerary * English or French-speaking guide service. * Sightseeing, admission fee, entrance and boat fees as specified. * VAT and service charge.

Exclusive: * All meals and beverage unspecified * Travel insurance * All of airfare, airport tax, visa fee * Personal expenses, optional visit and other services unspecified * Surcharge for special occasion, gala dinner on Christmas, New Year, etc.

CANCELLATION POLICY Cancellation made within: 7 days prior to departure date: 100% of reservation cost + 20% air - ticket refund fee (if any) 8-14 days prior to departure date: 50% of reservation cost + 20% air - ticket refund fee (if any) 15-29 days prior to departure date: 25% of reservation cost + 20% air - ticket refund fee (if any) 30 or more days prior to departure date: 10% of reservation cost + 20% air - ticket refund (if any).

  • Email: [email protected]
  • Safe and secure
  • Convenient and timesaving
  • No transaction fees
  • Confidential transaction
  • Special offers
  • Established in 1975
  • Top tour operator
  • Top national brand

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Travel Insurance is upon request.

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Ha Noi – Sapa – Ha Long (5D4N) [ Hanoi city - Halong bay - Sapa ]

Bạn ở khu vực?

  • Central Region
  • Mekong Delta
  • Southern Region
  • Northern Region

Hanoi Explore Travel – A Professional Organizer of Ninh Binh Tour, Halong

TOP 33 Best Things to do in Hanoi – You Should Not Miss


Top 33 Attractive Hanoi Tourist Sites that tourists should not miss

Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, draws visitors not only with its beautiful scenery, numerous well-known sites, and delectable cuisine that bears its distinctive flavor, but also with its wide variety of entertaining places. And if you are planning to travel to Hanoi, do not miss the following places!

Table of Contents

This more for you:

  • Top 21 Incredible Day Trips from Hanoi – Best Ideal for A Day Trip
  • How many day in Hanoi? One, Two or Three Day – Which is the BEST Itinerary?

Well-known Tourist Attractions

You may like to read more:

  • Un-Pho-Gettable Hanoi Street Food Tours
  • Hanoi Sightseeing Motorbike Tour
  • Top 20 Must-Try Dishes in Hanoi – What food is Hanoi famous for?

Hoan Kiem Lake ( The Sword Lake ) – One of best things to do in Hanoi

  • If you visit Hanoi but don’t go around Hoan Kiem Lake, it will likely be a significant omission. Probably very few places can represent Hanoi’s essence as well as this one can. The calmness of the ambiance, the friendliness of the locals, the ancient features, the architectures that bear cultural and historical symbols, the street vendors and even the commercial areas with the modern comforts.
  • Coming to Sword Lake, you can visit Turtle tower, Pen tower, The Huc bridge, Ngoc Son temple, Ly Thai To statue and walk around the lake to learn about the people, culture and Hanoian’s life. Especially, on the weekend, you will have the opportunity to mingle with the crowd on the pedestrian street with extremely unique and highly community-based cultural and entertainment activities.

>>> Read more: Hoan Kiem Lake: A comprehensive guide in transportation, tourist attractions, and cuisine

Hanoi Old Quarter

  • The Hanoi Old Quarter , which is northwest of Sword Lake, consists of 36 ancient streets running from Hang Chieu, Hang Luoc, to Hang Dao, Hang Ma.
  • Tourists can find the ancient architectural beauty of the old houses, the old streets, and the street culture in Hanoi’s Old Quarter, as well as a wide range of eateries that together make up Hanoi’s distinctive traits that cannot be found anywhere else. It is recommended that you should enjoy street food in any eatery in the old quarter. Then you will see the unique diversity of cuisine as well as the culture of a thousand-year-old capital.

Have a look at:

  • Hanoi Old Quarter Food Tour – What to eat in Hanoi Old Quarter?
  • 20+ Best Things to Do in Hanoi Old Quarter

Dong Xuan Market

  • As the oldest market, Dong Xuan market is a cultural symbol of Hanoi. Coming to Dong Xuan market, a wide range of items from clothes, fabrics, household goods, toys, gifts to food are on sale at very affordable prices that will make you astonished and excited.

Hanoi Opera House

  • Hanoi Opera House is a typical artistic and cultural hub in the capital as well as one of the most outstanding symbols of architecture in Vietnam. It is frequently chosen to host major national artistic shows.

Thang Long Water Puppet Theater

  • The Thang Long Puppet Theater is where water puppet shows, a cultural characteristic of Northern Vietnam, are preserved and performed. When seeing water puppet displays, tourists will undoubtedly be in awe of the Vietnamese water puppeteer’s talent.
  • Especially, after enjoying the water puppet show, you can linger to learn more about this art form with artifacts or direct instruction from the artists. This is sure to be an unforgettable experience for any tourist.

Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum

  • This is the place to keep the embalmed body of Ho Chi Minh, the great president that every Vietnamese person is incredibly grateful and respectful of.

If you can arrange time, let’s go to the square in the early morning to view the solemn flag-raising ceremony in front of Ho Chi Minh mausoleum.

>>> Do you like to get A Hanoi City Tour – Explore Highlights of Hanoi as a Local

One Pillar Pagoda, Ho Chi Minh Museum

  • After visiting Ho Chi Minh mausoleum, tourists can visit nearby sites such as the stilt house where president Ho Chi Minh used to live, Uncle Ho’s fish pond and Ho Chi Minh Museum – a place to keep all documents, images, artifacts, and footage of President Ho Chi Minh. These attractions will help you understand more why leader Ho Chi Minh gains great love from the Vietnamese people and the world.
  • At the end of this city tour, you should visit One-Pillar Pagoda. Built on only one pillar, this is the pagoda with the most unique architecture in the world, and also a famous cultural symbol of Hanoi capital.

Temple of Literature Hanoi

  • Constructed in 1070 under King Ly Thanh Tong, The Temple of Literature Hanoi is associated with the a thousand-year-old capital. This is the first university in Vietnam and also a cultural attraction that exemplifies the tradition of fondness for learning of Vietnamese people.

>>> If you’d like a FREE itinerary tailored to your needs by a knowledgeable travel advisor, don’t hesitate to contact us for 24/7 help.


Imperial Citadel of Thang Long

  • The complex of Thang Long Imperial Citadel is among must-see locations in the capital, notable with Kinh Thien Palace, the North Gate Citadel, Doan Mon, and the archeological site at No.18 Hoang Dieu street. Nearby is Hanoi Flag Tower, a monumental, intact work that bears the cultural symbol and pride of the Ha Thanh people. After visiting Hanoi Flag Tower, you should spend some time at the Vietnam Military History Museum to obtain a better understanding of Vietnam’s amazing military prowess and wisdom during the two resistance wars against French colonists and American imperialists.

Hoa Lo Prison

  • Hoa Lo prison was constructed in 1896 by the French colonists with the intention of housing political prisoners. It is currently used to store images and artifacts that faithfully depict the arrest and torture of Vietnamese revolutionary fighters. Whether you are a foreign visitor or a Vietnamese citizen, you should visit Hoa Lo Prison to learn about the Vietnam War and the exploits of Vietnamese revolutionary fighters throughout the resistance against strong empires.
  • You will undoubtedly feel at ease in West Lake’s expansive and romantic surroundings and the beautiful Thanh Nien street. When coming to West Lake, be sure to check out stunning locations with historical and cultural significance including Tay Ho Temple, Quan Thanh Temple and Tran Quoc Pagoda – one of the top 16 most stunning temples in the world. Not only famous with impressive architecture and a peaceful ambiance, Tran Quoc Pagoda is also regarded as the Buddhist hub of the Thang Long ancient citadel.

Long Bien Bridge

  • Built by the French in 1898, Long Bien is the first steel bridge in Vietnam. This bridge over the Red River experienced two wars of resistance against the US and against the French, so it is regarded as a timeless symbol of wartime memories that cannot be erased. Bearing in it the vestiges of time, the wounds of destructive war, but Long Bien Bridge still stands there and becomes a historical witness, carrying the national values in terms of culture, history, and society.

>>> Read more abou t: Long Bien Bridge in Hanoi: A-to-Z Guide to explore this historical bridge!

Ta Hien Beer Street

  • It is the busiest nightlife street in Hanoi. Coming to Ta Hien, tourists still can find the ancient beauty of Ha Thanh from hundreds of years ago, presented by narrow houses and old brown tile roofs. When night falls, Ta Hien street will put on a charm and excitement, different from its peaceful beauty of every early morning.

The French Quarter Hanoi

  • The French Quarter, which was established and developed mainly between the end of the 19th century and 1954, is a precious cultural legacy of the Capital with unique imprints and features. Due to its lively ambiance and distinctive fusion of French architectural styles, it has quickly grown to be a popular location that draws a lot of tourists.

Quang Phu Cau Incense Village

  • Quang Phu Cau, an Incense Village that upholds the traditional craft of incense making for more than 100 years. A visit to Quang Phu Cau incense village will bring visitors an opportunity to learn about the traditional craft of making incense sticks and take lots of unique check-in photos. Right after you enter the incense village, you’ll be able to see the busy lives of the locals here.
  • The village is filled with bundles of red incense sticks that look like enormous flowers under the sunlight. Incense is dried in a variety of large areas, including the yards of houses or community houses, and vacant lots, which brings an impressive sight for visitors.

>>> Read more: Quang Phu Cau Incense Village – A Spectacular Incense Village in Hanoi!


Night Markets

>>> You may like to read more: What to do at night in Hanoi – Best Things To Do in Hanoi at night

Old Quarter Night Market

The Hanoi Old Quarter night market preserves several distinctive characteristics of Hanoi’s 36 ancient streets in addition to functioning as a location for trading and business. That is also a factor in the market’s popularity with foreign tourists who come to explore its intriguing items.

This market is only open on weekends, on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, throughout the hours of 18:00 to 24:00. The Old Quarter Night Market, also known as Dong Xuan Night Market, is always rated as one of the shopping attractions not to be missed by tourists to Hanoi.


Quang Ba Flower Market

  • Address: No.236, Au Co Street, Quang An Ward, Tay Ho District, Hanoi

The market is open from 23:00 until early morning. This is when the streets are asleep but this market becomes busiest and most crowded. The iridescent street lights shine on the colorful kiosks, making the whole market more fanciful. Coming here, you appear to be lost in this poetic setting with numerous vibrant flowers.

Long Bien Market

  • Address: Located right under Long Bien Bridge in Ba Dinh District, Hanoi

The market’s lively, bustling, and crowded nightlife is what makes it interesting. This is undoubtedly a fresh location worth checking out if you love photography. Even though the lighting isn’t ideal, you still can capture vivid photos because of the golden lights in the night. The best time to go to the market should be in the early mornings, between 2 and 5 o’clock.

Shopping malls and amusement parks

Royal city hanoi.

This amusement park is referred to as a “miniature royal city,” which combines a shopping center with an area of entertainment for all ages, making it a popular destination with families and groups of friends. Visitors will enjoy enjoyable and fascinating moments here. Along with entertaining games, there are also restaurants offering a variety of European and Asian cuisines as well as local fare that draw numerous tourists.

Located in the heart of Vincom Mega Mall Times City, the entertainment area is an ideal place for children and families. It is well-known for having the largest modern aquarium in Vietnam and paradise fun for the whole family.

  • Address: Vinhomes Times City Mega Mall– No. 458, Minh Khai street, Hai Ba Trung district, Hanoi

Landmark Sky72 Observation Deck

Located on the top floor of Keangnam building, the tallest building in Hanoi. The Sky72 observatory’s prime location and telescope-accessed panoramic view of Hanoi give tourists the most genuine sense of the city. This is undoubtedly an ideal place that visitors should not miss.

  • Address: Floor 72nd, Keangnam Landmark, E6 Pham Hung street, Cau Giay District, Hanoi

Hopefully, the information provided above about the best tourist attractions and entertainment spots in Hanoi has made it simpler for you to decide where to go out and enjoy yourself while visiting Hanoi.



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Explore Vietnamese cuisine with a local. We'll explore narrow alleys in search of food created by local vendors. On your tour you'll experience authentic Vietnam cuisine most visitors never have a chance to taste. Let us introduce you to Hanoi. By booking our Secret Food Tours: Hanoi, you'll enjoy a variety of local Vietnamiese favorites.

Hanoi - City View

On our Secret Food Tour: Hanoi, you'll sample many local dishes from little pancakes, fresh papaya salads with beef, to a big bowl of noodle soup and grilled pork with rice. We'll wash everything down with a sip of Vietnamese coffee and traditional juices.

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Our Secret Tours, you'll experience authentic Vietnam cuisine most visitors never have a chance to taste. Let us introduce you to Hanoi. Explore Vietnamese cuisine with a local. We'll explore narrow alleys in search of food created by local vendors.

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    1. Mở Vé điện tử. Truy cập vào "My Booking" trong ứng dụng Traveloka, sau đó mở vé điện tử của chuyến bay mà bạn muốn đổi. Chọn tab "Refund & Reschedule" ở phía trên và sau đó chọn "Reschedule". 2. Chọn "Yêu cầu Đổi lịch bay". Chọn "Yêu cầu Đổi lịch bay" để bắt đầu ...

  4. Ha Noi

    For More Information. +84 941 569 349. [email protected]. HA LONG BAY 2 DAYS 1 NIGHT TRIP. DAY 1: HANOI - HA LONG BAY/OVERNIGHT ON CRUISE. We will pick up from your hotel lobby in Hanoi - Enjoy the peaceful scenery as we travel through the countryside, farmlands and Red River delta - Get your camera ready to take photos. Aboard the cruise.

  5. Ha Noi City Full Day Tour

    ITINERARY: 8:00 - 8:30 AM: Our Tour guide and our Bus pick up at your hotel and start to discover Hanoi City 8:45 AM: Visit Ho Chi Minh Complex, the final resting place of Vietnamese great father or Uncle Ho. You have a chance to see the embalmed body of Ho Chi Minh then walk around the garden to see two houses where he lived & worked.

  6. Ha Noi City Tour Full Day

    Visit Trấn Quốc Pagoda, the oldest pagoda in Hanoi. Full description. 8.00- 8.30: Get picked up by our tour guide. 08.45: Visit Tran Quoc Pagoda - the oldest pagoda in Ha Noi built in the 6th century. 09.30: Visit Ho Chi Minh complex with One Pillar Pagoda, Ho Chi Minh mausoleum, 11.15: Visit Vietnam Ethnology Museum to learn about the ...

  7. Hanoi Day Tours & City Tours

    Private Hanoi: Crowd-free Morning Highlights of the City. 5 hours. Local English-speaking guide. One-way transportation. Temple of Literature ticket. Hoa Lo Prison ticket. Ngoc Son Temple entrance fees. Vietnamese green tea with green bean cake. Traditional noodle Pho for lunch.

  8. Hanoi: Full-Day City Tour with Lunch and Optional Extras

    17 Vung Tau. 18 Cam Ranh. 19 Con Dao. 20 An Minh Bac. Explore Hanoi and its attractions on a tour of the Ho Chi Minh Complex, Ba Dinh Square, One Pillar Pagoda, and more. Enjoy lunch and an optional cyclo tour to discover Hanoi Old Town.

  9. 2D1N Ha Long Bay Excursion Cruise Tour from Hanoi, Vietnam

    Gallery. US$ 209.79US$ 218.15. Select options. See the beauty of Ha Long Bay up close onboard a modern cruise ship! Tour the bay's natural attractions, as well as the beautiful Ha Long, in just two days. Ride a kayak for a better view of the rock formations and steep cliffs of the bays. Immerse yourself in the local culture and join the tour's ...

  10. Small Group

    The highlights of this adventure include: Small Group Tour: Enjoy the charm of Ha Noi City with a one-day exploration alongside like-minded travelers. Local Cuisine: Delight your taste buds with authentic Vietnamese flavors as you savor traditional dishes during the tour. Hidden Gems: Uncover the city's best-kept secrets and off-the-beaten ...

  11. Tours & Offers

    Vietnam day trips below cover the top Vietnam city tour packages like Hanoi city tours, Sapa tours, Hue city tours, Hoi An day tours, etc. ... London Hanoi Hotel Group. Group London Hotel In Hanoi Vietnam. Phone: +84.24.6666.4888 - Hotline: +84.968 206 969 - Email: [email protected].

  12. Ha Noi City Tour (Private Tour)

    Ha Noi City Tour - Private Tour. Ho Chi Minh Museum, Uncle Ho's Stilt House, One Pillar Pagoda, Temple of Literature, Ethnology Museum, Hoan Kiem Lake, Ngoc Son Temple, 36 old streets. full day. 4.9 / 5 ( 29 votes ) USD 68.00 from per person. 100% private.


    DAY 01: HA NOI - HA LONG BAY (L,D) 07:45 - 08:30 Tour guide and shuttle bus of Halong Dragon Cruise pick you up then take 3.5 hour scenic drive to Halong city.Have a break 20 minutes en-route to free your legs. 12:15 Embark Bai Chay Harbor, get transferred to Dragon Cruise by a tender and enjoy a welcome drink. 13:00 Receive a cruise briefing.

  14. Hanoi City Tour Full Day ALL IN ONE

    Ninh Binh Full Day Tour Hoa Lu, Tam Coc, Mua Cave via Boat & Bike. 29. from $49.00. Hanoi, Northern Vietnam. Hoa Lu - Tam Coc - Mua Cave 1 Day with Cycling, Hiking, Lunch. 17. from $45.00. Hanoi, Northern Vietnam. Private transfer from Hanoi to Ba Be lake or from Ba Be to Hanoi.

  15. The BEST Hanoi Tours and Things to Do in 2024

    The best tours in Hanoi are: Hanoi: 1-Day Ha Long Bay Cruise w/ Titop Island & Luon Cave. Hanoi: Water Puppet Show Tickets. From Hanoi: Tam Coc, Hoa Lu & Mua Caves Full-Day Trip. Hanoi: 2-Day Lan Ha & Ha Long Bay 5-Star Cruise with Balcony. From Hanoi: Ninh Binh, Trang An, Bai Dinh, and Mua Cave Trip.

  16. Hanoi: All-in-One Walking Tour Through a Train Street with Small Group

    Step back in time and explore the evolution of Hanoi on this all-in-one walking tour. From its origins as Thang Long, the thousand-year-old city, to its current status as a bustling metropolis, you'll traverse the city's rich history and vibrant present. Discover architectural gems, cultural landmarks, and local hotspots that tell the story ...

  17. Ha Noi

    Located in the northern region of the country on the banks of the magnificent Red River, Hanoi offers travelers a wide array of activities to experience. Wander the Old Quarter, photograph intricately designed pagodas, browse thought-provoking museums, and peruse markets for authentic handicrafts. Founded more than 1,000 years ago, the city remains steeped in tradition. The old quarter ...

  18. Saigontourist

    Day 3: Sapa - Lao Cai - Train (B) Breakfast at the hotel. Morning tour to visit Thac Bac waterfalls and Sapa Market. Afternoon, transfer to the railway station for the night train back to Ha Noi. Overnight on train. Day 4: Ha Noi - Ha Long (L, D) Arrive in Ha Noi early in the morning. Meet and overland to Ha Long via Dong Trieu Pottery en ...

  19. TOP 33 Best Things to do in Hanoi

    Un-Pho-Gettable Hanoi Street Food Tours; Hanoi Sightseeing Motorbike Tour; Top 20 Must-Try Dishes in Hanoi - What food is Hanoi famous for? Hoan Kiem Lake ( The Sword Lake ) - One of best things to do in Hanoi. If you visit Hanoi but don't go around Hoan Kiem Lake, it will likely be a significant omission. Probably very few places can ...

  20. Culinary Tour Guide in Hanoi

    On our Secret Food Tour: Hanoi, you'll sample many local dishes from little pancakes, fresh papaya salads with beef, to a big bowl of noodle soup and grilled pork with rice. We'll wash everything down with a sip of Vietnamese coffee and traditional juices. You'll explore our culinary world and experience local life with a visit to a temple, a ...

  21. Hanoi: Guided Half-Day City Highlights Tour with Transfers

    15 Cái Bè. 16 Hai Phong. 17 Vung Tau. 18 Cam Ranh. 19 Con Dao. 20 An Minh Bac. Experience Hanoi's local culture while seeing the city's highlights and mingling with locals on this half-day tour by van. Choose from either the morning or afternoon departure.

  22. Hanoi Food Tour

    On our Secret Food Tour: Hanoi, you'll sample many local dishes from little pancakes, fresh papaya salads with beef, to a big bowl of noodle soup and grilled pork with rice. We'll wash everything down with a sip of Vietnamese coffee and traditional juices. Private tour.

  23. Cheap Flights from Hanoi to London from £492 Return

    1 stop. Mon, 16 Sep LGW - HAN with China Eastern. 1 stop. from £492. London. £492 per passenger.Departing Wed, 24 Jul, returning Sun, 25 Aug.Return flight with China Eastern.Outbound indirect flight with China Eastern, departs from Hanoi on Wed, 24 Jul, arriving in London Gatwick.Inbound indirect flight with China Eastern, departs from London ...